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Review of Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by Brian Tracy

This is a review of Brian Tracy’s Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement.

Straight off, you must follow Brain Tracy, bestselling author of Create Your Own Future. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life needs to be in your personal library. It has been hailed by many people as one of Tracy’s top books (from over 30 books), if not his best book.

The basis of the book is about improving the way you think to get stronger relationships, become better at your career, increase your happiness, and generally achieve more success. From having role models, goals, dreams, and developing excellence in your chosen field, to listening, strategic thinking, time management, getting “the edge”, and earning more, it all stems from changing the way you think. This is all covered in the book.

One characteristic about this book that makes it better than Tracy’s other books are the references to several university studies and other types of research that back up the principles he provides and to explain his lessons. The research gives great insight and sets the book apart from the others he has written.

People with personal development experience will know most of the principles mentioned in this book. If you know the principles and have not achieved the goals you want in life, then you don’t really “know”. Knowing is doing. Therefore, you need to read this book and follow it up with action. Reading and re-reading this book yearly will remind you of the principles you may already know, but have yet to implement.

…the first personal development book I read.

Like his other books, this book is one with simple, easy-to-understand, to-the-point lessons. You will find yourself repeatedly reading powerful lessons instead of stories and filler.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life is the first personal development book I read after I picked up my father’s copy of it in the year 2000. I’m unsure if the book hooked me into becoming more than I am, but it at least put me on the path where I now teach thousands of people worldwide. It is a significant book in my life because of its impact on me. Who knows the impact it could have on you? I highly recommend it. You can grab your copy from Amazon right now by clicking here.

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