The Complete Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Process for Compassion, Understanding, and Peace
You are about to unlock what I believe is the greatest human need in communication. I will show you how to connect with another human in the most intimate way possible – a way most never experience. This is something the world so desperately needs. It is something you so desperately need.
What is the link between the following scenarios:
- Your partner leaves the room in anger after another argument
- A friend lashes out at you despite you having done nothing wrong
- A child’s constant disobedience makes you frustrated and causes you to yell things you later regret
Thousands of situations like the ones above all have a common thread that play out in your life every year. There is a better way to handle the situation, but you cannot figure it out. Your emotions get the better of you and others as you poorly handle the situation. The answers and the secret human need I will show you how to fulfill is through a method of communication called “nonviolent communication”, also known as NVC. Read more