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Review of Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy

This is a review of Brian Tracy’s Create Your Own Future: How to Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success.

Brian Tracy is known for his concise and easy-to-understand books on self-help classics. Create Your Own Future is no exception. Tracy has included materials from his other works and the likes of Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie for one reason: it works. I know several people who have read this book and experienced a wonderful life-change.

There are five chapters of interest to people who want to improve their communication: chapter 1 (Success Is Predictable), chapter 5 (Attitude Is Everything), chapter 7 (Relationships Are Essential), and chapter 13 (Fortune Favors the Brave).

In chapter 7, Tracy shares effective principles on how you can successfully network with the big players in your career and industry. You learn how to get influential people on your side to help career success. If you don’t already know, networking is key to most people’s success. Having the people and resources available to you at your request helps you overcome problems they can solve.

Create Your Own Future appears to focus on succeeding in your career, though the principles like attitude, clarity, and knowledge are useful in many situations. Tracy provides interesting insight into the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind and how you can use each mind to improve various areas of your life.

…you must read it if you want to better yourself.

If you have read several of Brian Tracy’s books on personal development, you’ll find a lot of teachings in this book overlap with his other books. Even so, I think you will learn a few life-changing principles from the many in this book. You can probably skip the book if you have studied personal development for years.

With the vast amount of easy-to-understand personal development principles in Create Your Own Future, you must read it if you want to better yourself. A simple principle like transforming your car into a mobile university by listening to CDs, instead of wasting hundreds of hours listening to the radio, is extremely valuable. You can grab your copy of Create Your Own Future from Amazon by
clicking here today.

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Joshua Uebergang aka "Tower of Power"

Joshua Uebergang, aka "Tower of Power", teaches social skills to help shy guys build friends and influence people. Visit his blog and sign-up free to get communication techniques, relationship-boosting strategies, and life-building tips by email, along with blog updates, and more! Go now to
