Permission to Reprint
1. Quoting an Article
You can quote parts of an article by me on to add authority to your content like a blog post, newspaper article, or presentation. The only requirement is you reference the quoted material.
I appreciate (but it’s unnecessary) if you contact me to let me know where your write up appears. I like to hear how people use my advice!
2. Reprinting an Article
You’re allowed to reuse the articles for your company, training manuals, newspapers, blogs, presentations, or other means. I give you permission to reprint any article written by me on any number of times under the following conditions:
- The article remains unchanged.
- If the article contains pull quotes or a blue box with snippets of additional advice, you don’t have to include these – though it is recommended you do to achieve the best article.
- All links are kept in the article (except for offline print).
- A maximum of 10 different articles can be reprinted.
- The resource box below be included at the bottom of the article.
The above bio will appear as below:
Joshua Uebergang, known as the “Tower of Power”, is a social skills coach, author, and owner of Australian company Tower of Power where shy guys discover how to win friends and influence people. Visit his blog and sign-up free to get conversation techniques, confidence-boosting strategies, and people-magnetic tips by email, along with blog updates, and more! Go now to
If you’re unsure about your right to reprint an article, chances are you can because I’m telling you right now you can!
I don’t require you to contact me when reprinting or quoting an article, but I enjoy seeing how the lessons are used. You can contact me here.
I hope your readers get a lot out of the content,

Joshua Uebergang aka “Tower of Power”