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Free Test to See if You Have a Social Anxiety Disorder

Take this free online test to see if you have a social anxiety disorder. The quiz is based on the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (L-SAS), and my knowledge having experienced the disorder.

I was “undiagnosed” for 7 years. This stopped me getting help and helping myself. I lived believing I was broken, but it turns out you can turn your life around once you know the problem. I hope the test and resources provide guidance to help you.

Here are three notes about the test. Your results are 100% confidential and never stored. The quiz is not intended to replace a one-on-one professional diagnosis. Respond to each question by picking the answer you think is most accurate. Get started with 16 simple questions below!


What to do Next

Once you’ve done the social anxiety disorder test above, continue with these three pointers:

  1. If the test suggested you have social anxiety or a social anxiety disorder, watch this free video and read this article about the only cure to social anxiety.
  2. Get people you care for to take the test. You never know who you will help. Tweet the quiz. Share it by clicking the social media buttons below or emailing the link:
  3. Learn everything you need to confidently talk, make friends, and build a great social life even when you have severe anxiety and am unable to talk to strangers. Check out Big Talk, a special course to get you comfortably making friends with who you want.
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Joshua Uebergang aka "Tower of Power"

Joshua Uebergang, aka "Tower of Power", teaches social skills to help shy guys build friends and influence people. Visit his blog and sign-up free to get communication techniques, relationship-boosting strategies, and life-building tips by email, along with blog updates, and more! Go now to



Hi, dear Josh
I got through all the16 tests and the result was No social anxiety disorder. I appreciate it as all of them, as well as the comments including the result were very precise. Congratulations and good luck! : lol: Victor

The Only Social Anxiety Disorder Cure

[…] can do a social anxiety test to learn if you have a disorder, but it’s likely you suffer from a social anxiety disorder […]

meenu mishra

dear josh
i found ur tests very effective and functional.
i appreciate ur efforts n they r productive.
i hope u go on making difference in ppl’s lf.
tc n gd luck.

Mariam Ali

I really appreciate what you do to help others. When I took the quiz, there I realized things about myself that I hadn’t realized before (like sometimes sweating or having my heart beat to fast when I talk to strangers). Kudos to you, Joshua Uebergang. By the way, your last name sounds so awesome! :mrgreen: